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Flogas Signed up to The Energy Engage Code


Image depicting the Energy Engage Code leaflet being promoted by Flogas

Flogas Energy is signed up to the new Energy Engage Code launched by the Electricity Association of Ireland on Thursday 19th October 2023. Its aim of the voluntary code is to keep domestic customers connected to their energy supply.

Sean O’Loughlin, general manager, Flogas Energy saidAs a member of the Electricity Association, we are happy to give our support to the relaunched Energy Engage Code.  It highlights our ongoing commitment to keeping electricity and gas disconnections to an absolute minimum by working with and providing support to customers in arrears and agencies acting on their behalf.”

The Energy Engage Code is a coordinated industry-led approach setting out a programme of measures that suppliers will take to encourage customers in arrears and at risk of disconnection to engage with them to ensure that they remain connected to their energy supply. In signing up to the Code, suppliers commit to:

  1. Never disconnect an engaging customer
  2. Provide every opportunity to customers to avoid disconnection
  3. Establish new early ways of identifying customers at risk and targeting communication with these customers to encourage early engagement
  4. Treat customers as individuals, recognising no two customers face the same circumstances
  5. Offer a range of debt repayment options to find the most appropriate solution for a customer in arrears including realistic and achievable payment plans
  6. Always offer a customer in arrears a Pay As You Go (PAYG) meter as an alternative to disconnection, where a network solution is available
  7. Introduce a new individual case review in advance of any customer being disconnected
  8. Put in place clear processes for interaction with customer representatives and support agencies acting on behalf of a customer, such as the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS).

Flogas, along with other suppliers, is integrating enhanced measures into all debt management processes including improved communications with customers and support agencies and a range of debt management and repayment options. 

The Energy Engage Code can be downloaded from www.eaireland.com